Sugar Cookies

(This was the recipe used for Christmas cut out cookies at the Glor’s. The kids loved helping Grandma make these.)

Cream together and beat until light and fluffy:
1 C. shortening
1 C. sugar
Add and beat well:
2 eggs
2 T. cream
1 T. vanilla

Sift together:
31/2 C. cake flour
2 t. baking powders

Add dry ingred. to cream mixture.  Shape into mound, wrap in wax paper and chill.  Roll 1/4″ thick on lightly “floured” powdered sugar surface.
Dip cookie cutter in powdered sugar each time before used. Bake on lightly greased baking sheet at 375 for 8 min.

1 C powdered sugar
Few grains salt
Add sugar to egg white and beat until smooth and of a pouring consistency.  Divide frosting into 2 or 3 small bowls and add color.
(not sure how safe the raw egg  white is –  it used to be ok)