White Sauce

Thin White Sauce

2 T. flour
2 T. margarine
1½ tsp. salt
1 cup milk

Melt margarine and slowly stir in flour and salt. Add milk gradually stirring constantly. Cook on low heat till thick. Use immediately or refrigerate.

Medium White Sauce

4 T. flour
4 T. margarine
1½ tsp. salt
2 cup milk

Melt margarine and slowly stir in flour and salt. Add milk gradually stirring constantly. Cook on low heat till thick. Use immediately or refrigerate.

Thick White Sauce

6 T. flour
6 T. margarine
1½ tsp. salt
2 cup milk

Melt margarine and slowly stir in flour and salt. Add milk gradually stirring constantly. Cook on low heat till thick. Use immediately or refrigerate.