Strawberry Divinity

3 cups sugar
¾ cup light corn syrup
¾ cup water
2 egg whites, stiffly beaten
1 (3 oz) pkg. strawberry Jell-O
½ cup flaked coconut
1 cup chopped pecans or walnuts

Combine sugar, corn syrup, and water.  Bring to boil, stirring constantly; reduce heat and cook to hardball stage (252), stirring occasionally.

Combine beaten egg whites and gelatin; beat until mixture forms peaks.

Pour hot syrup in think stream into egg whites, beating until candy loses gloss and holds shape.

Fold in coconut and nuts.  Put into greased 9-inch square pan.  (Top with rows of chopped pecans or walnuts and coconut if desired.)

Makes 5 dozen pieces.

Can use any flavor of Jell-O, but cherry is good, too.

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