Fruit Salad by Grandmother Little and Mable Hodges

1 can sliced peaches, cut up, with juice 1 (8oz.) can crushed pineapple 2 bananas, sliced walnuts maraschino cherries Add a bit of sugar. Could add a few small marshmallows or grapes. Mix a few hours before serving to allow it to marinate. Aunt Mable would bring this to our house when celebrating a birthday!

Rose en Glee

(Mother said to put this in just for fun and show!) 2 envelops unflavored gelatin 2/3 cup sugar 2 cups boiling water 1 cup cold water 1 partially opened rose Tape Mix gelatin and sugar. Add boiling water. Stir until gelatin dissolves. Add cold water. Cool. Insert a partially opened rose with 2 or 3 … Read more

Vanilla Ice Cream

6 eggs 2 ¼ cups sugar 4 ½ tsp. vanilla ½ tsp. salt 9 cups cream or (5 cups milk, and 4 cups heavy cream) Add sugar gradually to beaten eggs.  Continue to beat until mixture is very stiff.  Add remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly.  Pour in gallon freezer, and freeze as directed. Strawberry or … Read more