Pie Crust

2 cups flour 1 cup Crisco Mix with a fork, or spoon until very crumbly. Above mixture will keep well for quite a while on the shelf. Does not need to be refrigerated. Take out amount you need for a pie. Add water to it, and 1 tsp. vinegar. Roll out on lightly floured dough … Read more

Grape Pie

4 ½ cups grapes (2 lbs.) after separating skins from pulp probably will have 2 or 2 ½ cups. Cook pulp. Run through strainer to remove seeds. Mix with skins. 1 cup sugar ¼ cup flour 1 unbaked 9-inch pie shell Mix all ingredients, and put in unbaked pie shell. Can cover with pie crust … Read more

White Bread from Watkins’ Cook Book

(I use to make this before getting everlasting yeast.) 6 scant cups sifted bread flour 1 to 2 cakes compressed yeast 2 cups milk, scalded 2 level tsp. salt 6 level tsp. sugar 4 T. shortening Milk is preferred to water.  Recipe will make 2 loaves of 1 pound each or 1 pound loaf and … Read more