Blackberry Pie

For a 9 inch pie. 4 cups raw blackberries. For a thicker pie, heat, and remove some of the juice. 1 1/3 cup sugar 1/3 cup flour Combine together with blackberries. Stir gently. Put in pan lined with crust that has been sprinkled with 1 or 2 T. sugar. Put on top crust. Brush lightly … Read more

Vanilla Ice Cream

6 eggs 2 ¼ cups sugar 4 ½ tsp. vanilla ½ tsp. salt 9 cups cream or (5 cups milk, and 4 cups heavy cream) Add sugar gradually to beaten eggs.  Continue to beat until mixture is very stiff.  Add remaining ingredients and mix thoroughly.  Pour in gallon freezer, and freeze as directed. Strawberry or … Read more

Vanishing Oatmeal Raisin Cookies

(This is from the Quakers Oatmeal package.  Sometimes  Mother would put hickory nuts, black walnuts, pecans or chocolate chips in the cookies.) 1 cup (2 sticks) margarine, butter or shortening 1 cup brown sugar ½ cup white sugar 2 eggs 1 tsp. vanilla 1½ cups flour 1 tsp. soda ½ tsp. salt 3 cups quick … Read more

Sugar Cookies

(This was the recipe used for Christmas cut out cookies at the Glor’s. The kids loved helping Grandma make these.) Cream together and beat until light and fluffy: 1 C. shortening 1 C. sugar Add and beat well: 2 eggs 2 T. cream 1 T. vanilla Sift together: 31/2 C. cake flour 2 t. baking … Read more

No Bake Cookies

Cook the following one minute after it reaches boil or until forms a soft ball in cold water: 2 cups sugar ¼ cup cocoa 1 stick butter ½ cup milk Add the following: 2 ½ cups quick cooking oats ½ cup peanut butter 1 tsp. vanilla Mix well, and drop from spoon on wax paper.  … Read more